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Programs and Services

QSAC offers a range of services we offer for both children and adults with autism, as well as support and training programs for families, caregivers, and professionals.  Explore our programs and services to learn more about how we support individuals with autism and their families.

Services for Adults

QSAC offers a variety of person-centered services for adults with autism. From day habilitation and residential services to vocational services and emergency respite for caregivers, our programs support adults with autism in achieving greater independence and realizing the full potential.

Services for Children

QSAC’s services for children and students with autism  include early intervention, school programs, after-school, and transition services. Our services meet the unique needs of each individual and help them develop the skills needed to learn and succeed in their communities.

Support Groups & Training

QSAC offers support groups and training programs for families, caregivers, and professionals who support people with autism. Our programs offer evidence-based practices and techniques to help individuals with autism achieve their full potential and thrive in their communities.